No proofs?
Prince Henry Dumaran
2 June 2009
Mr. Casilang:
To unequivocally conclude that Al Gore is “unquestionably correct” in his “global warming/climate change” claims based on reports from two or three agencies without presenting any dissenting reports or studies from other groups are downright flawed.
Are you aware of the excesses of Al Gore? Do you know his “carbon footprint”? If you do and is passionate about “saving the earth” you would puke at the hypocrisy and most likely conclude that critical thinking is so scant in these present days especially among the followers of Al Gore.
I could cite numerous scientific studies and findings that debunks Al Gore’s claims and the bulk of the information you posted…short of writing a thesis…I would simply refer you to Edwin’s posting on the “Forum” titled “Need Gore’s Proof” dated May 31, 2009, that exposes AL GORE’s SCAM and HYPOCRISY like the HID/xenon headlights of my full size SUV brightly shinning on the road ahead in a dark moonless night.
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