Need Gore’s proof
31 May 2009
Regarding the collage drop-out, Al Gore, and his claims of global warming, now called “climate change.” The earth has been in a cooling stage for the last five years mainly due to the lack of solar activities. Man’s contribution to climate changes is negligible. Carbon dioxide? Every time we breathe we emit CO2. Trees need CO2 to survive and to produce us with oxygen. Over ninety-five percent of green house gasses are produced by the world’s ocean not man. A British judge ruled that many of the claims of global warming claimed by Gore in his movie was untrue and junk science. Climate change has been happening since God created earth.
Al Gore wants me to get out of my Hummer while he flies around the world in a private jet and lives in a mansion that uses more energy than I use in a year.
The claims of global warming have enriched the wallets of Gore and his followers. Also, it has allowed big brother (the governments of the world) to intrude into our daily lives as has never happened before.
I will believe Gore and his claims when he proves to me that the end of the ice age was caused by man and his creations.
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