Young Roots

By August 5, 2013Archives, Opinion

When getting high brings you down


By Johanne Margarette R. Macob  


LET’S lay out this article’s theme right away. What’s with illegal drugs? What’s with these drugs that make people want them? Is it because of it’s being illegal? Or is it for that kind of — as how they call it — ‘high’ it gives? And such drugs aren’t cheap so why would people spend a hefty portion of their money for a few grams?

I remember the adage that everything unlawful is delightful. Perhaps. I think some people who are dangerously adventurous have that tendency to try out illicit things such as drugs. And maybe because these drugs are really addictive then once they do it, they couldn’t get out of the bait that easy. Poor addicts. Thus, first lesson, never try illegal drugs as an ‘adventure.’ There are a lot more fun and meaningful experiences to choose from, take the drug vice out of the list.

Others justify taking illegal drugs because of their problems. They are obviously weak and are less smart than others. Everyone gets into troubles, at different points in our lives. Doing drugs to forget problems or get away from those is just pointless. It just piles up and worsens difficulties in your existence. Again, ABC — you just have to Accept things, Breathe in good away, and have the Courage to face whatever life gives you. Lesson no. 2: Be smart enough to know that illegal drugs won’t take you anywhere but astray.

Further, some turn to illegal drugs because of friends’ influence. I don’t think they deserve to be called ‘friends’ because real friends don’t let you down and won’t let you do things that will bring you down like getting high with illegal drugs. Remember, once a person whom you consider a friend offers you something illicit, like shabu or marijuana, then think again if you still want that person in your life.

Apart from the abovementioned, there could be other reasons behind drug addiction. What is a sad reality is that a bigger percentage of people, especially of our generation, already use illegal drugs. Worse, most of these people are led to commit other crimes. In the Philippines alone, previous data indicate that about 80 percent of heinous crimes committed are drug-related.

I hope readers would take the time to tell others not to get high on drugs, and instead get addicted to academics, career-furthering activities, and other deeds of a Good Samaritan.

I salute those who reject the vice, who believe in God above all. Aren’t we all courageous and smart? cheers! I hold my hands’ higher to those who help fight the problem as our governor with the PDEA, are doing today. I commend the government agencies and law enforcers who are able to slash at least some numbers of the users and pushers of this vice. Please do not stop doing so.

We only live once so let’s not waste that one life living in regrets for doing illegal drugs.

Hate that vice. Love life.

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