

7 epaLiFes deprive INC members

By | Punchline

By Ermin Garcia Jr.   DAGUPAN’s notorious 7epaLiFes at the Sangguning Panlungsod must be gloating over their successful efforts in embarrassing the Belen Fernandez administration for remaining in the cellar with the least creditable performance in public service among the cities in the region. Of course, the 7epaLiFes, dumb as…

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7 epaLiFes deprive INC members

By July 22, 2024Punchline

Fake news on Atty. Harry

By | Punchline

By Ermin Garcia Jr.   THE brouhaha in social media last week about the fake news labeling Atty. Harry Roque as lobbyist for illegal POGOs was just the tip of the iceberg. It was fake because not even the source of the alleged claim, Pagcor chief Alfredo Tengco, was not…

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Fake news on Atty. Harry

By July 15, 2024Punchline

Is INC still backing the 7 epaLiFes?

By | Punchline

By Ermin Garcia Jr.   I’M beginning to be truly entertained by the 7 epaLiFes’ thoughts not only about themselves but by their arrogant manifestations about themselves as well. They have the chutzpa to disrespect, humiliate and demean their mayor. They dare ignore and turn their backs on the city…

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Is INC still backing the 7 epaLiFes?

By June 24, 2024Punchline

What… what… what!

By | Punchline

By Ermin Garcia Jr.   MAYOR Belen didn’t have to worry about naming who the “enemies” of Dagupan City are. Most Dagupeños are already aware of who’s who and what’s happening in the city government, particularly, at the Sangguniang Panlungsod. They know that it’s the 7 epaLiFes who are in…

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What… what… what!

By June 17, 2024Punchline

Who doesn’t want 7 epaLiFes suspended?

By | Punchline

By Ermin Garcia Jr.   THE recent statement of Dagupan City legal Officer Aurora Valle inviting anyone to file a cases or cases against the 7epaLiFes must have sent the 7 rowdy councilors rolling down the hall laughing boisterously, while exchanging fist bumps and high-fives. Who wouldn’t? She just confirmed…

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Who doesn’t want 7 epaLiFes suspended?

By June 10, 2024Punchline

Documented notoriety

By | Punchline

By Ermin Garcia Jr.     ONE cannot but to hand it to the 7 epaLiFes. They consistently, wittingly or unwittingly, manifest their ignorance about parliamentary rules and laws practically every week without fail! The most recent was their decision to cut the 2024 supplementary budget by 73%. They want…

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Documented notoriety

By May 13, 2024Punchline