COVID-19, a scare tactic? TO this day, not a few so called “health experts” around the world have branded COVID-19 as a scam, a scare tactic to serve a heinous agenda of profiteers not only of multi-national pharma companies but the depopulation agenda of former Microsoft Bill Gates. Perhaps so…
Editorial Cartoon October 4, 2020
Planning for efficiency in new protocol THE new initiative launched by the Dagupan City government requiring visitors and returning residents to register with the city government is in the right direction, particularly, regulating entries of authorized persons outside their residences (APOR) especially the delivery crews of fish and vegetable cargo…
Editorial October 4, 2020
Editorial Cartoon September 27, 2020
Health crisis in Dagupan City THERE is a major health crisis in Pangasinan’s first and oldest city. But the city government led by Mayor Brian Lim doesn’t seem to be aware of it. COVID-19 contagion is getting worse each day. But still, the city government doesn’t seem to understand how…
Editorial September 27, 2020
Editorial Cartoon September 20, 2020
Establish health, security protocols as an ordinance THERE is a noted surge in COVID-19 cases in Pangasinan, particularly in Dagupan City. This, notwithstanding the successful and intensified efforts of the provincial government to flatten the curve here, so far. Now comes the dilemma. The unexpected surge came at a time…
Editorial September 20, 2020
Editorial Cartoon September 13, 2020
Dagupan’s ill-advised policies IF the Dagupan City government officials do not begin to plan and coordinate its rules with all its agencies, it will soon suffer the fate of the cities of Cebu and Bacolod, whose COVID cases spiked overnight. The decision to further shorten the curfew hour in the…