Think about it
Hope springs eternal
By Jun Velasco
IT would be well for the Dagupan engineering and public works guys to mobilize their crew to work double time, day and night, to finish the rehabilitation and elevation of flood-prone Arellano Street.
That stretch gets a daily grind of all types of vehicles, and right now with the first drop of April rain, both sides of the street that remain in use have rapidly deteriorated.
It’s horrible to think of the residents at the receiving end of the cascading floodwaters when the project is finished. Let’s hope a huge drainage catch basin is being built simultaneously to protect life and limb.
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Everywhere, you see the faces of your not-so-favorite politicians riding on the graduation exercises you’d think they graduated with honors or were guests of honor or something. Fact is they are adding to the pollution of the environment at the expense of the public. A psychiatrist friend told us he won’t be surprised if these faces would inhabit our people’s dreams due to daily bombardment.
Can’t the government regulate the practice? Kwidaw ha, there’s a sage’s advice “too much of anything will boomerang.”
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We attended the State of the City Address of San Carlos City Mayor Ayoy Resuello and were impressed by his litany of achievements. We merely expected him to just say “I will continue what my beloved father began,” but he did more, when he said, “I will surpass his achievements.”
Tall order. In everybody’s book, the late Jolly was a super hero, a legend, who literally had every little space and time for everyone. And there was no little crevice at the city hall that was not clean or cleansed, and every call or text message unanswered. Good work is a notoriously demanding job, you see. We hope the young one can match a fraction of the father’s heroic achievements. He is on the way there.
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We’ve been asked if the construction of the ballyhooed “TALLEST police station in the country” has started. We checked with Dagupan Police Chief Sonny Verzosa three weeks back, and he said “anytime soon because I already have the funds.” The funds were chipped in by Congressman Joe de Venecia’s CDF, the PNP under Chief PNP Jess Verzosa and the city government of Mayor Al Fernandez.
Groomed to head a major assignment in Crame, Sonny vowed to see the big police landmark erected before he leaves.
Mayor Fernandez who is unceasingly adding a new infra here and there is seeing to it that the proposed headquarters will be a major Dagupan attraction and a physical strength that will “terrorize the terrorists” and make a difference dealing with criminals and conniving policemen.
It’s common knowledge that in a modernizing complex society, crimes get easily hidden from public notice making solution extremely difficult. It won’t bother Verzosa though who had his training in the Muslim areas.
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Don’t say the global financial crisis is not worsening with the thousands of college graduates joining the vast army of unemployed.
Hope springs eternal, this is a Biblical verity.
At the graduation rites of the Lyceum Northwestern University Francisco Q Duque Special Science High School, guest speaker Youssef Velasco (our youngest) exhorted the graduates to “have mighty visions like those of your favorite heroes and imbibe those qualities that shall win for us a better and brighter future.”
Chip, as he is fondly called, said a prayer at the end of his speech part of which asked the Lord to “anoint them as the new generation of living heroes who through their education will bring the country to greatness.” He is right. Whatever has befallen us, we should not lose tract of our destiny. Attitude is better than aptitude. Make a difference.
Our friend, lndian businessman-civic leader Ashok Vasandani, urged his young audience as guest speaker of Bolosan Elementary School’s graduation rites to “grow in the love of God and your neighbors, because whatever you have done to your brothers and sisters, you have done it to God.”
An indefatigable civic leader, Ashok sends 1, 500 text messages to friends and acquaintances unfailingly everyday to inspire them to live the Christian way. Without probably meaning it, he has become the guardian angel of everyone, for starting the day with a reminder that they are God’s children.
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