Buried in the Bonuan sand?

By August 27, 2013Punch Forum

Edwin T

23 August 2013

Re: Watching his “Her Highness”

Regarding the fish processing plant. The former Mayor Al Fernandez dilly-dallied with the squatters of Sitio Russia causing a long delay with the start of its construction. When the plant was finally built it took months for then Mayor Lim to fix the bungled paper work left by Al Fernandez, thus causing further delay with the opening.

Regarding the river boats, if these boats were not the property of Mayor Lim, then pray, why were no charges brought against those who allegedly spirited away city property. Then there is the the sale of the McAdore, how much money was, or is, the city making on the hotel, with it sitting as a home for the homeless rats that now inhabit it. Her Highness claims she knew nothing of the sale. As head of the city council and vice mayor at that time, why? Did she have her head buried in the Bonuan sand then?

If my head is in the sand, I’m not the only one with his head in it. As my companion I prefer my Glen Livet on the rocks, how about you?

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