Safe and secure in Thailand
Jose Ceralde
25 Oct. 2011
In 1970 I was in Thailand and in several southeast Asian countries and compared to the state of those countries to ours, I felt confident we were ready to take on the next 30 years.
Well, 40 years have passed and I saw Bangkok last week and saw how the Philippines got stuck in the ’70s. Even when Thailand has the worst floods, I have seen how each Thai handles the situation. Cars would line up on elevated highways and even the airport car parks are made available.
Weeks before, business establishments in Bangkok put up hollow blocks so water would not go in and sand bags are ready. Anticipated water rise is broadcasted so people are aware of water flows. The ordinary people are ready in the center city. The roads are still bustling with tourist.
My family never for a moment felt unsafe from the floods or of petty crimes being committed against to tourists. I did not even see as many beggars one often sees in our country. What a contrast.
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