Definition of a champion

By October 26, 2011Punch Forum

25 Oct 2011


Re: Sports eye

To: Jesus A. Garcia, Jr.

It tickles my fancy, which I put some attention, on your Icarus-like glorification for these local cycling talents whom you unabashedly called . . . champions.

Even, Ermin, Jr., went along with it blindly, not to miss the bus, not to rattle the egos of local fans.

Champion . . . according to my buddy Danny, is a man marked with superior talents including brute force.

And being one, you should have a presence in the world’s cycling stage i.e Pacquiao – a true champion in his class.

The so-so . . .

They … like the likes of Barnachea, Gabut, Eden, and the rest of ’em, the local upstarts can be called champions?

Well, I would like to see, this whole wide world would like to see ’em compete along with the world champions: Lance Armstrong, Miguel Indurain, Federico Bahamontes, Eddy Merckx, Alberto Contador, Hugo Koblet, Jan Janssen and the rest of the . . . Tour de France . . . great of the greats.

Why not, Jess Garcia?

How come you never took a shot at that race? Why did you not put your so-called – CHAMPIONS – to the test? Don’t tell me the Tour de France’s discriminatory.

Is it because your local “champions” are only good for a quick dash from . . . Mangaldan to Manaoag . . . a distance of 11kms compared to a 3600 grueling kilometers thru the most uphill terrain – the Alps?

If you suddenly developed cold feet, Jess, start at the other European races: Giro d’Italia or the Spanish Vuelta, it could settle your nerves before the big one.

Or, a place more comfortable with you . . . the Crested Butte Alpine Odyssey in Colorado, which is close to where I live, and if ever you loses . . . a bottle of freezin’ San Miguel Beer, is awaiting.

Make up your mind, Jess!

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