Coffers are empty

By October 21, 2011Punch Forum

20 Oct. 2011


Re: No other solutions?

Solutions? From whawhawhat?

The ideas coming forward are sooo lamed, they are dead on arrival.

Comparisons in flood control like the dikes of New Orleans or the Missouri, to a Pinoy inspired gobbledygook, is completely incompetent.

Pinoyland, is not Aremicanoland!

Raison d’etre . . .

No money, baby! The coffers are empty, and the only thing you’ll see are the fingerprints of thieves ransacking the cookie jar.

How can you inject some high-flying ideas, when the gov’t from Espino to The Benjie couldn’t even solve where their garbage should go. They couldn’t even wipe their … asses … clean for all I care.

Shades of Victor Lustig . . .

Ask Espino why that flood control project (a reservoir methinks) in Alcala is not done yet. Supposed to arrest the rampaging waters of the Agno.

There was enough money budgeted for the construction, from the sliteyes and ever-so-tricky Koreano, but when the work went into the hands of the feebleminded, and always-looking- for-money-to-steal Pinoy engineers, the construction went . . . kaput!

The responsible agencies . . .

To find one honest enough among the hundreds of – corrupt – departments will . . . knock your socks off!

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