Sarcasm in the report?

By September 9, 2011Punch Forum

Edwin T
9 Sep 2011



Do I read a bit of sarcasm from the Punch because the mayor did not deem it necessary to recommend to the city council a resolution declaring Dagupan under a state of calamity? As terrible as Mina may have been to the city, remember, it was a category one typhoon.

Also, where was Madam Fernandez and her minions in the city council? Their silence was deafening. I guess for once they agreed with the mayor. I guess that they too did not think the damage caused by the typhoon warranted a state of calamity.

Had the destruction been greater, I’m sure the mayor would have declared a state of calamity. Had damage been greater and Mayor Lim did nothing, I’m sure the vice mayor would have been ranting and raving, pounding her shoes on the top of her desk demanding the reason for the mayor’s outrageous non-action.

(Editor’s Comment: You are reading too much between the lines. That Mayor Lim did not declare a state of calamity was simply a statement of fact). 

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