Preserve heritage items

By September 21, 2011Punch Forum

I. M. Gilbert
20 Sept 2011 

Dear Sir / Madam,

In your article “P45M Bonuan road project, 16 others underway” published on 11th September it was mentioned that Fourth District Rep. Gina De Venecia was proposing a number of projects and that “These include seven road concreting projects at the PNR site road in Mayombo…”.  I would be grateful if you would let me know exactly which road this refers to?

Is it the unmade road that currently runs south from the former PNR station along what was the Right of Way of the railway?  If so there is at least one (if not more as I haven’t fully explored the area) relic of the old PNR that would be worth preserving and it would be a shame if the improvements to the roads resulted in the loss of interesting heritage items.  Unfortunately I am not due back to the Philippines until next July so will not be able to check on this.

Yours faithfully,

Ian M. Gilbert
London, UK

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