It’s politics

By September 6, 2011Punch Forum

5 Sept 2011

Re: the case of Go Teng Kok

Resounding slap at Olympism, to humanity? No kidding!

What’s the matter with you, Al? It’s politics, duh!

If you’re to be believed, Go Teng Kok, was the sacrificial lamb in the altar of corruption. Really!

To silence him, the only remedy, is to kick him out the POC . . . for him to do further damage. Right?

Jiggery-pokery . . .

For all intent and purposes, Go Teng Kok’s sticky fingers were inside the cookie jar. He was with the snakes all along. He eats with them, splits the cake with them, but forgets the first lesson in corruption: “No honor among thieves”. And poor GTK, he’s the first one to get whacked.

Pride and prejudice . . .

Go Teng Kok’s commitment to expose the corrupt affairs of the POC under Cojuangco, shades light on what kind of morality he’s obligated to pursue. His credibility is in tatters, and having to convince the public on this issue – is a lost cause.

The dream machine . . .

It’s just outrageous, why in the first place, P-Noyland entertains a bid in the Olympics. Why spend money on a Quixotic quest for greatness?

The Pinoy crop of athletes in its present condition, are not to be taken seriously. They’re not only undertrained, undermanaged, but embarrassingly . . . undernourished.

With these poor dilapidated souls playing against the world’s best what will you expect?


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