Interesting debate

By September 7, 2011Punch Forum

Edwin T
6 Sept 2011


Re: Punchline

It would be very interesting should a debate occur between His Honor, Mayor Lim, and Her Highness, Vice Mayor Fernandez. Somehow the title of “Vice” Mayor seems to fit Her Highness, no pun intended.

Maybe Ms. Fernandez can explain why, other than her quest for mayor, she and her cohorts in the city council has blocked, or attempted, to block everything the good mayor has proposed.

Could it be that the Mayor Lim is more in tuned to the business aspects of the city?

From what I have observed Her Highness is more favored by those who are dependant on the city doles. That’s all well and good but the city cannot function under an anti-business climate than those who bring money into the city coffers.

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