What’s the new protocol?

By June 25, 2010Punch Forum

Jeremias Andrade Carrera
23 June 2010

Dam Water Release Protocol Readied:

I am surprised that a protocol is being readied when there is an existing protocol during Pepeng which was forwarded to Orduna last Oct. 21, 2009.http://www.mb.com.ph/node/226090/.

Will the new guidelines or revised guidelines cover not only release during storms but also in case of damaging earthquakes? Or will they wait to draft one after a disaster had occurred?

Without an integrated DAM SAFETY MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS that must include the two (2) upstream dams (Ambuklao and Binga Dams) and the necessary instrumentation on all three (3) dams and an integrated information system, this proposed new protocol or guidelines will not work. It will just be a piece of paper that provides false hopes of safety.

If dam safety that is commonly developed and implemented successfully in all other countries cannot even be adequately assured, how in hell can Doctor Extraordinaire even advocate for “nuclear fusion” technology which he absolutely does not understand?

The article that Doctor Extraordinaire is bragging about talks about utilizing the tremendous amount of nuclear waste from the conventional nuclear power plants which the Doctor previously claims to be zero.

The following are lies of Doctor Extraordinaire:
 1. Even if the Wright brothers did not exist, there were plenty of inventors that were doing the same and the jets would still be developed. Just like the atomic bomb, Japan would have successfully completed one if not for losing the war early.
 2. Meltdown of nuclear power plants-There were plenty of meltdowns but they were “partial meltdown” and some are just nuclear accidents which were also catastrophic. Anyone saying that there were none except Chernobyl does not understand what a meltdown is.

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