Google the Bloom Box

By February 27, 2010Punch Forum

Jose Ceralde
27 Feb 2010

Mr. Chito G. Soriano,

One of the solutions is the questionable maintenance schedule of these power plants during these peak demand season. The national papers said that since most of the plants in the country are private they just bring their plant down without synchronizing with National Power Grid projected demand.

Now where is the power of administrative oversight of the government agency? If they do not have the power to demand a schedule from all the plants in the country, why do they not walk to Congress for legislative law to assist them?

One of the things we had been taught in program management is to look for are policy changes for solution before looking at new material and resources. For one, policy changes are almost free. But in the country, that results in free labor for the technocrats and politicians. No red tape means NO grease.

Now Congress should be probing National Power Grid policies if no manipulation is being done to add drama to the electric crisis. Ensure that power plants during power peak demands are only brought down for emergency purposes.

In the area of new promising technology that was just shown in CBS 60 Minutes was the Bloom box. Google the Bloom box. Let us know if it really meets the eye test.

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