An “A” for selling hell?
Jose Ceralde
23 Feb 2010
In my marketing 101 class a long time ago I learned that when you sell something the price would motivate the buyers. Pinoy politicians practice this with a grade of “A” if I was grading them.
Where could anyone sell something when the value of goods is negative or should be free.
A friend of mine once put a sign in front of his yard for free electronics equipment. For a week no one went to get the stereo. When he put up the sign antique stereo with original dials and bright-lighted controls for 50 dollars. It was sold in less than a day. It cannot really be the sign, right?
Well it is like the nuclear power plants from Korea. In the US, they pay millions of dollars just to close down a nuclear power plant and the Korean power plant can not be any better than the ones closing in US. So if the Korea put out bids for deactivation, they have to pay for it then, right?
Now if they invite Pinoys with lots of clout then they could sell it.
Does anybody out there think these same people would relocate the nuclear plant from Salem New Jersey even if they were given to them for free since it would not appeal to them. Yes New Jersey would just give the plant for FREE because it is unsafe in it’s present condition.
But back to the Korea nuclear plants. Why would Korea relocate these power plants if they are safe and still giving them cheap power like they said in our papers?
One other point from the SP front page. If power plants are that easy to relocate why do they not just relocate the Bataan nuclear plant since they said it is. They are just in wrong location in an earthquakes fault. The government is already paying interest on them anyway that reach millions.
This is like the RFID on vehicles. In US, they pay the car owner to put them on but in the Philippines you have to pay LTO to have them installed as requirement for vehicle registration. Here they employ the best sales talk. It is to keep your car from carjack they said and make the government ensure your safety.
So what say you SP poster…do they get an “A” for selling HELL?
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