The bias vs. Israel

By January 17, 2009Punch Forum

Eduardo Pontaoe
17 Jan 2009

Mr. Noel Verzosa,

The biasness of the United Nations – most nations non-aligned with the political correctness of the West – cried foul in the bombings Israel unleashed on Hamas in retaliation on the unrelenting rocket attacks the notorious terrorist organization rained at the southern part of Israel.

The Arabs and their flunkies especially . . . the Council of Arab-American Relations . . . paraded and shouted with gusto the “disproportionate” action which they claimed not equal in form.

This word, to their point of view meant; “not enough Jews are being killed to which to my understanding is that, every time they fire Qassams or Katyushas into Israel not enough kids are blown to bits”.

These cowardly and roguish bunch of Palestinians, who don’t recognize Israel’s right to exist and live in peace should remember, that Israel has every right to live in that land where they’d lived one year older than China, and had been in there years before Ishmael was born.

What these Palestinians want? In unison they cried; Justice! Fine! But, first they should admit guilt. They should be responsible for their actions. It couldn’t be one-way street, because taking this option there wouldn’t be peace.

It should be put in perspective; Israel’s self-defense to protect her citizens and safeguard the country is beyond politics, beyond human endurance not to fight when it’s pushed against the wall.

Critiques against Israel are naturally selective. Where was the outrage? Those moralists condemning Hamas when thousands of rockets were falling on Israelites heads? Where were those ultra-left scalawags to stand-up against the charter of Hamas – the destruction of Israel and the creation of a World Islamic Empire with the blessings of those crazy mullahs from Iran?

One more thing, Mr. Verzosa, know why America will not give up on Israel?


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