Consider using pedi-cabs again
Isidro Ramos
9 May 2008
A section in your SP column, Here and There, by Mr. G. Garcia, talks about, “Dagupan City’s booming economy drawing shoppers and tourists from out of the city has left our main streets crowded with more vehicles…… and pollution in the streets arising from the unprecedented number of smoke-belchers taking over.
And you are also urging Mayor Al to get the ball rolling for a plan to reduce pollution in the streets, like encouraging the use of foot-powered 2-wheelers that don’t use gas-gurgling machines.
Well, Big cities in the Philippines should consider going back to Pedi cabs as they were widely used in the late 60’s and 70’s.
Cities in the States like, Austin, TX, NY, Savannah, GA, Boston Mass, San Diego, CA, and many others are in fact using foot power Pedi cabs and it is very popular among affluent and tree hugging Americans.
So, it is time to revisit previous transportation when we were much younger. Pedi cab is environmentally friendly, promotes fitness to the human body, and reduces traffic gridlocks.
Guv Espino and his mayors should look into this idea. Imagine Pangasinan town streets without smoke belching vehicles and that engine noise????
Sounds wonderful already.
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