Playing with Fire
My last… and signing off
Gonzalo Duque
SADLY, this will be my last column in our dear Sunday Punch. Since my appointment as administrator of the Philippine Coconut Authority, I‘ve since been very busy with all the things that need to be addressed to bring the Philippine coconut industry to greater heights and to its rightful place.
I thank Ermin Garcia Jr. and the entire PUNCH family for allowing me to expound my thoughts through many years in their widely read newspaper.
Right now, I do not know why I was thrown into this world. I suddenly found myself in this office after resigning as a commissioner of the Social Service Commission last April 4.
I also don’t know why my resignation has not been accepted, or rather I don’t know why President Duterte again appointed me to another post as administrator of the PCA. For all these, I thank President Digong for his continuing trust and confidence in me.
I must repay this trust and confidence by uplifting the life of coconut workers and their families whom we swore to serve to the best we can. I hope this will not tell on my age as I am already 67 years old.
As I am writing this last column, I am in Davao City upon the invitation of the President, just for him to confirm my appointment as administrator of PCA.
Since this is the last “Playing with Fire” column that you will read, I beg for understanding from all of my readers. I invite them, including those who hated me when they saw their names in my column, to think of our countrymen and together move as one in developing our nation.
In writing “Playing with Fire”, I hope I had enlivened Pangasinan journalism and contributed my thoughts to the people of Pangasinan.
To those who may have been hurt by my fire-laden but balanced discussion o n many issues affecting our people and the whole mankind for many long years, Sorry. We have just done our part as a journalist.
“Playing with Fire” is now signing off.
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