Crying Baby
ORIGAMI refers to the Japanese art of folding plain or colored paper into visual art – boxes birds, butterflies, flowers, hearts, etc. But, when kids with their tiny, pudgy fingers can turn out insightful though clumsy interpretation of the things they usually encounter in their small wonderful world, they can also do the same through mediums more or as easily manageable.
Like words. Like their faces. So originally theirs, so gamin. Origami.
Mami is mother, mom, momsie, mama, mamang, nanay, inay. And Lola who was once and still is all these.

MAMI: Stop crying, Bibi.
BIBI: But Mami, Papi cries like this everytime he loses an election!
MAMI: Shhh. Big boys don’t cry.
BIBI: So, Papi and I are little boys still?!
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