Millennial Hub
Classroom favoritism
By Shawn Fernandez
HAVE you ever experienced seeing somebody who was always appreciated, recognized, and given merit while the rest of you remained unnoticed? All of you worked hard and played their part but only he got the reward. Though he made mistakes, he seemed to stand firm on the spotlight.
Favoritism. It has been a living dilemma among family members, co-workers, and even among students. According to Merriam dictionary it is “the unfair practice of treating some people better than others.”
“Unfair.” It gives an uneasy feeling in my gut. If you ask me what it feels like to be a teacher’s favorite, I do not know, and I would never wish to know.
We are living in a modern era and yet this favoritism attitude has not been eradicated. I know that there are people who are academically smart. They tend to become leaders simply because they are capable. But does this mean that they alone should be given the chance to lead?
There are students who are not that academically competitive but they do have talents. Given the chance and proper guidance, I strongly believe they too can shine. Oftentimes, though, they are neglected because of teachers exercising favoritism. Because of this, some students find them disrespectful. Others tend to question their capability of handling class and their judgement towards giving good grades.
Sadly, teachers who show favoritism among his or her students create an undesirable image of themselves in the minds of those who feel less favored and valued. At a first glance it seems that it is no big deal, but as it goes on, favoritism could actually destroy relationships between and among students and their teachers. Personally, it thinks this practice is really unprofessional.
For instance, there was this certain student who was smart. He was active and got high scores during exams but when he finally got his report card, he was totally surprised to know that he failed, while his teacher’s favorite who rarely attended their class, had very low scores in their exams passed and was given a very satisfactory rate.
As a student experiencing unequal treatment, why still desire to excel? Efforts are not given importance. You don’t get what you deserve. Even approaching your favoritism teacher makes you hesitant because a wall of distrust already separates you. Complaining seems to be of no use because his ears tend to listen to the one, he favors.
It is always expected that those who are fast learners are given more privilege. Most of them become the “favored ones” while average students are more likely to stay behind and seldom given a chance to grow and prove that they too could be as valuable as them.
I suppose no one ever wanted to be considered least. All of us are best in our own lines. As our teacher, we need you to guide us to recognize and nurture these potentials we have which we have yet to discover. You are our second parents, and as your second children, we also want to be treated equal like our loving parents would do.
I am not a teacher, but if I am given the chance to become one, I will be fair with my students, and since I made this statement, I would really make sure that I fulfill my word. Please do not mistake me. I do not hate my teachers. I love them. It’s the wrong attitude I do not like.
To those who are favored, I know for a fact that it is not your fault if you have been chosen as favorites but please do not tolerate such practice. You can be the best if you want to and you don’t have to be anyone’s favorite in order to attain that. You wouldn’t want to be credited just because you are somebody’s favorite, would you? You are better than that. You just have to believe it.
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