Young Roots
My President
By Johanne R. Macob
IN three weeks, we will be electing our next set of leaders who, as we pray, will propel our town, our province, our country’s development. However, if truth be told, I am still not decided who to vote for the nation’s highest post. I have a list prepared for my VP, my senators, down to my governor and the rest of the local positions; and yet, I cannot make up my mind for the presidency.
Unlike in the local scene, I’ve had no personal experience with the leadership style of any of the five presidential candidates. Unlike in the province or in the town, I did not actually see and feel how the country has ‘grown’ with the help of the five; and neither have I or closely observed these presidentiables. I was able to interview three of them but as we all know, interviews and press conferences are not always the real thing. Besides, these were just very short engagements.
As a 24-year-old Filipino citizen with insufficient knowledge of our history and society, what I have done so far was to research on the education, related experiences, among other pertinent information, of the five candidates. Expectedly, all have relatively good educational background. In regard political experiences, the disparity emerges. I have also watched the first two debates, (though I think the VP debate was better). I have read more than a few articles – both news and editorials. In the social media realm alone as on Facebook, I have already found many sources of different relevant information. But still, I have not made my decision.
At the moment, at least with the most obvious facts about these candidates I know that I cannot give my vote to the candidate who obviously is “one big corrupt.” I considered the ‘good’ things he did for his city but the evil way outweighs them. I also cannot bring myself to support the long-time president-wannabe who is ‘elite’ and a traditional politician in every sense of the word. Another candidate’s dishonesty in regard her citizenship is another factor I am considering for not nodding for her. And, I with my own set of values, I can never approve of a Machiavellian leadership. For someone who is a lawyer, himself, it’s ironic to note that he wants to overrule the right to due process. I must say, he is “one big irony.” Finally, I have apprehensions that this very intelligent candidate’s health state will fail us. Wrong timing, I must say.
With these I mind, I cannot give any of them my vote but I can overlook some ‘negatives’ as long as long as I hear of good plans and not good promises. I just know I want a President who I, we, can be proud of and not just another president, who majority will eventually despise. I still like to believe at least one of the five candidates can be a good choice. I hope the third and the last presidential debate, which will be held in our province, will help me make up my mind. I am a Filipino and I am with everyone who, still, has hope that Philippines, with the right leadership and involved populace, will do great. I also hope everyone is doing their own research before anything else. We cannot expect to have the best leaders, if we cannot be the best voters, ourselves. We cannot hope to have a great country if we cannot be great citizens, ourselves. And we cannot see positive change happen tomorrow, if we are hopeless today. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
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