
By January 27, 2014Archives, Opinion

People of the Philippines – A Convenient Scapegoat

OV Cruz

By +Oscar V. Cruz, JCD


THE Poor Pilipino People – this is another reading of “PPP”. And such is not really bad a coincidence. The Filipinos have become even poorer with the advent of the present administration. While it is said by this and that foreign financial entity that the index of the socio-economic standing of the Philippines is heavenly high, the ground reality, however, is that more and more Filipinos live and feel the fact of poverty. The main thesis affirmed and championed by the administration is that Filipinos are poor because they are many in number or in count. In other words, the poverty in the country is simply because of the big number of Filipinos. It is as simple as that.

There is no sufficient number of work or employment in the Philippines. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. There are many of them who are homeless. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. There are many crimes – murders, assassinations, violence – in the country. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. Justice, peace, and development are but impossible dreams. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. Consumer goods are costly and becoming even costlier as time goes by. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. Taxes that are more in kind and in amount are never enough. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. There are not enough schools. Classrooms are crowded. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. The streets are full of people, vehicles are everywhere, and accidents are common. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. There are more and more OFWs who leave their families behind in order to make a living. Reason: There are too many Filipinos. Hunger and weakness, sickness and death are all around. Reason: There are too many Filipinos.

So it is that Population Control Bill was passed. So it is that contraceptives are presented as a composite big savor. So it is that children are not welcome in the country. So it is that a population count was recently made with the readily expected result that the Filipino people are too many. So it is that more and more pro-population control public officials and private individuals are again tri-media stars. So is it that recently, contraceptive advertisements have again come to fore. So it is that while abortions-in-fact take place, the people charged and paid to prevent and punish abortionist are blind, deaf, and dumb. So it is that the Supreme Court is under enormous pressure from the Executive Department with its contra-population allies, to do away with the TRO on the implementation of the Population Control Bill deliberately misrepresented by the government as “Responsible Parenthood Bill,” although it is formally and clearly against parenthood and responsibility.

Woe to all those – public officials, physicians, nurses, and private individuals – who are directly or indirectly responsible even but for a simple abortion. You might get big beautiful medals from the administration here and now. But hereafter and beyond…

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