Young Roots

By December 30, 2013Archives, Opinion

The Gift of Love


By Johanne R. Macob

LOVE is…

I asked FB friends how they would define ‘love’. Out of my more than a thousand friends, only a few answered. I then privately messaged my closest friends to ask the same question. Surprisingly, even those who I think are articulate enough to give good replies couldn’t express definite answers. “It’s just too broad to be defined,” said one of them.

Perhaps, love is too far-reaching and too relative to be given one universal meaning. Still, if I were to define it myself, Id say love is the core if not the sole purpose for living. To love another unconditionally is what gives value to life.

However, as a child, I used to know love as the feeling I had whenever my parents gave me some thing, especially when it’s my birthday, Christmas, or when I achieved something in school. Until I reached the age when I learned to give love as well. I began throwing some surprises for my parents, siblings, and friends because to see them happy is a source of my own happiness. I started believing that love is not only about receiving but also about giving.

Eventually, I encountered a different kind of love that many would consider romance — from which I realized a lot more about love, that it takes different forms and works in different ways. Indeed, it is an emotion manifested through actions. It’s not enough to think or say you love someone and that’s it. Actions are what give life to love, I think. Most of all, though, that love is a decision one makes every moment.

Through my two decades and a tenth journey, I can say that I never let love leave me. Despite the pain — which I’ve managed to moved on — I still believe that I did not ever totally lose love. For one, I have my family and friends who are constantly showing me what love is. I have learned to love myself best, as well. Love is with me always, thus I can always share it.

Everyone has family and friends. Everyone has the capacity to love himself or herself. Conversely, everyone can share the love they have and experience. It only takes one to make that decision- to allow himself or herself feel that emotion and express the same through actions.

If we get hurt by giving love and not receiving the same in return, let us not feel bad. It’s one of the bravest ways manifest love.  In the same vein, we may have been offered the form of love we couldn’t give back. This is life. We just have to keep our faith over the things we can’t control and believe everything will be fine. We cannot stop living just because of suffering. We should not stop believing in love. Do not stop choosing love.

They say Christmas is a season of giving. We don’t have to look too far to be able to offer others and ourselves the greatest gift. Give love, without conditions. Appreciate love, without hesitation. Love love…the best gift this season and beyond. A meaningful Christmas and New Year to all!

P.S. Let’s make everyday a Christmas Day.

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