Think about it

By July 15, 2013Archives, Opinion

Two clubs

Jun Velasco

By Jun Velasco


“Much more genius is needed to make love than to command armies.”—Ninon de L’Enclos


AN ERAP fan who looks like Bobby Rodriguez texted us in reaction to our last column.

Erap: “Those who have less in life should have more in-laws.”

*          *          *          *

It must be for our being past president and chairman of the Tondaligan Blue Beach Subdivision Homeowners Association that we were invited to the first meeting of the Federation of Pangasinan Homeowners Association, Inc. officers at Orchids Hotel Thursday afternoon.

It was quite a gathering involving those who have the power to define the orderly and peaceful character of our housing subdivisions or villages.

Two names or words immediately struck us in that meeting: “federation” and “Antonio Cabangon Chua” who owns Orchids Hotel.

As if serendipitously, before we could be seated with the FPAA1 officers led by their president Bong Palisoc of Villa Sta. Barbara, we found our self sharing a bottle or two of San Mig Light with our cumapdres Orly Navarro and Orly Guirao and later joined by the omnipresent media mogul Johnny Dayang, the Philippine Sukarno of newspaper publishers; Minnie Caburnay, Liway Yparaguerie, Joseph Punay, and briefly, Allan Sison, media federation prexy.

Oh, yes, we were introduced briefly to DZRH’s Star reporter Andy Vital, who was around.

There was no doubt a meeting of Orly Navarro’s media club (we’re careful not to mention the name of his club); so we begged off since we are an officer of Atty. Gonzalo Duque’s club.

We felt at home. There was cordial outpouring, and to seize the moment we proposed –and supported by Orly Navarro – a fraternal settlement of the “rift,” if we can call it that, as it centers only on Duque’s alleged over-extended term by 3 months.

Gonzalo cites his predecessor Allan Sison’s 2-year presidency, which was undisturbed.

The rift has reached the court and is now being heard at Judge Samadan’s sala over which group has the right to use the name Pangasinan Press Club.

We kidded Orly G that politics—the BSL-Belen rivalry – must have been that intense as to be able to create a media schism in our midst.

“No,” snaps a kibitzer, “it’s business encroaching on media with two clashing views on the MCAdore sale, which began at its rush approval by then Mayor BSL while Vice Mayor Belen was in the U.S.

We’d rather leave the subject to the lawyers who by now must have seen enough of it. Stripped of niceties, it’s a debate between Cabangon Chua’s P110 million which was already paid, and Mayor Fernandez’s treatise since her Sanggunian days that MCAdores should be priced from P250 million to P300 million.

We leave the matter to the courts.

If our friend Tony Cabangon Chua who, by the way, supported our election to the presidency of the Federation of Provincial Press Clubs of the Philippines in l986 thru the cajoling by Johnny Dayang, would listen, we suggest that instead of assigning J.D. to corner Manila columnists to put down Mayor Belen’s option, a candid, sober, heart-to-heart talk may yet do the job. It would even bolster the image of Ambassador Cabangon Chua who, we understand, is on the comeback trail to help push Pangasinan, Dagupan, San Carlos where his roots are, Alaminos, etc to new economic horizons.

And to Johnny Dayang who brought us to the circle of Philippine media’s moguls like the late Mac Vicencio, Blas Ople, Bubby Dacer, et at, we advise him to use Robet Breene’s The Art of Seduction rather than Sun Tzu’s Art of War if Tony Cabangon Chua should advance his business interests northward.

*          *          *          *

Back to the other federation. President Bong Palisoc is being helped by a powerhouse slate that counts on intelligent and reforms-oriented officers.

They are Director Rey Gloria of La Playa Azul, Sec. Ramon Santillan of TBBSHI, Director Romy Endrada of Wedgewood Hills, Director Engr. Jaime Pioquinto of Bermuda Subdivision, Treasurer Engr. Linda Elechosa of San Marino Place, Director Rudolf Lomibao of Maramba Bankers Village, Director Ed Cervantes of Krysta Ville Subd., and Director Johnny Denopra of JBC Green Acre.

The other officers who missed the lively and informative meeting were our cumadre VP Membership Arlene de G. Sanchez, VP Operations Raul Guibani of Ivory Coast, VP Finance Mario Sandoval of La Playa Azul, Auditor Luz de Guzman of St. Michael Subd. in Caranglaan, VP Corporate Affairs Dr. Michelle Joy Ramos of Villa Sta. Barbara and Director Lt. Col Julio Baya of Villa Sta. Barbara.

In case of conflict or confusion, subdivision homeowners are advised to go to the federation which has been empowered by the HLURB to mediate conflicts.

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NOTES: We missed the birthday celebration of Ms. Julie Ann Arrogante at the Punch Office Friday lunch.  Under her watch, the Punch’s in-house family has grown and fun-filled, a house oozing with that “at home” feeling. Happy birthday, bosing!

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