Young Roots

By February 18, 2013Archives, Opinion

Morning’s good night

By Johanne Margarette R.Macob

IT’S been a while since we last saw each other on Skype. Well, you keep on saying I am too busy these past days. Perhaps, you’re right. I am working all day, writing articles most of the time. But in the same way, I could say you’re busy as well. You’re working all day, in that lovely hotel crested along the sea.

The thing is there are a lot of things beyond our control.

I’m wide awake while you’re fast asleep. I’m preparing for work while you’re getting ready for bed. I am having my first meal while you’re cleaning out the dinner’s dishes. The sun kisses me while you stare at the moon. I am here and you are there; we could only wish so much that I were there or you were here, that we’re beside each other.

It has been a little more than nine months since I last fixed the collar of your shirt, when we swore to make things work (again), when we shared our dreams with the taste of halo-halo on our buds. These are the bedtime memories I keep on replaying in my mind.

For three quarters now, you’ve been sending me “good nights” while you’re on a hectic stint as I send you “good mornings” while I lay on my bed after a tiring day. And sometimes, one of us has to stay up late just to see the changes that the hours and occurrences have brought to our faces. But I am not complaining, not at all.

I love the thought of waking up to your story of how your day has been. I love sleeping around some a.m. to tell you what my family and friends said about you. Most importantly though, I love how we say “I love you”, day, night, randomly…mostly.

I will never forget your birthday surprise for me. In spite of all the bodies of water and lumps of land between us, you managed to make me the happiest celebrator….and how I would want to make you feel likewise. Don’t worry, I am still looking up.

We’ve been the unlikely partners for more than eight years now. Eight years more, even double that, or make that triple or a hundredfold; we will be together. Neither until the moment you accord me your cognomen nor even when our progenies get to build their own abodes, for we will keep on being the best persons in each other’s lives beyond evermore.

It’s 11:38 p.m. here and I was just telling you that we didn’t quite like the food we had for dinner. And then you replied you cook way better… which I know is a fact.

I said good morning and you said good night. And for the nth time, we both said the three magic words. And again, you’re a day nearer to our long-overdue date.

Happy Valentine and hooray to all the strong LDRs*!

*For the uninitiated, that’s long-distance relationship 🙂

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