Young Roots

By February 4, 2013Archives, Opinion

LIFE 101 Lesson #1: Life’s a game

By Johanne Margarette R. Macob

SO the province’s going to host another national sports event, the PRISAA National Games! Yes, games. Now that made me think of the string between game and life. Is game a life or is life a game? I say ‘yes’ to both, in a number of ways. But for the purpose of giving emphasis to life (with respect to the title) for now, let’s lean more to exploring the latter: life is a game.

I’ve always believed in this cliché. Just as in a game where the players always struggle to give their best shot, to outdo the enemy, in life, we also (or shall) carry out our utmost elements but of course in life, the enemy isn’t always other people. Sometimes, or most of the times, we battle against situations.

Athletes do practice to condition themselves for their big competitions; in life though, I guess the major practice is served by our own experiences. Being guided by such, we somehow learn to slow down or speed up, to hit more powerfully or less intensely, to move forward or shift to the rear. In the process, we get to hold on to certain things and let go of some.

Furthermore, life gives us a lot of chances to win in the same way that there are a lot of possible sets or competitions to sign up to. There’s no such complete-lost state. Well, we may lose some but certainly we, at all times, win so much more! For if others outperform us, we acquire knowledge and yes, experience. That’s beyond the value of any other prize.

In a game, there’s always an arbiter overseeing the moves and who makes sure that rules are followed. On one hand, there are enforcers who look after people’s acts to ensure conformation to laws. More importantly though, in both game and life, there’s one omnipotent being watching over us – our greatest coach as well.

Indeed, life is a game. We shall always strive for the best. And if there’s anything or anyone that we find hardest to beat, I guess it’s our own selves. Good thing every day, we get an opportunity to do more, to be better.

We must keep in mind that we always have to play well and respectfully. We have to be the best players in our own life’s game. We have to be able to engage in all the destined matches and in all possible ways so as when the end comes, we would have neither regrets nor reservations.  So get up and keep playing… no one knows when our game’s gonna be over.

That would then be the only difference between game and life: a specified duration versus an unknowable one. Enjoy conscientiously.

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