Young Roots
Marketing our province
By Johanne R. Macob
ONE of the greatest perks of my job as a young journalist is being able to talk to people from different walks of life. From them, I get to learn a lot of ideas that are way beyond what I had learned in the four corners of the three educational institutions I passed through.
Last week, we had a brief yet interesting talk with former Senator Leticia Ramos Shahani. It was my first time to meet her and even hear her speak. But her name isn’t new to me since I even reported about her Moral Recovery Program in one of my PolSci subjects. And so I was amazed. She really is that smart. I really am in awe with her ideas.
One thing I’ll never forget about what she told the media was how Pangasinan products lack class because of their packaging. Then I realized that indeed her claim is – in most cases – very true.
I agree that if our products such as bagoong, bucayo, and even our boneless bangus among many others are packaged ‘nicely’, surely more sales would be generated. Eventually, these products would have more demand for exportation worldwide. Well, there is this big company that is marketing a number of bangus products now, but I believe we — as one of the main producers of milkfish — could outdo their marketing by offering impressive products in an equally impressive packages.
The idea might somehow offend those who have conventional ideas and are limited to such. But then again, as the senator also shared — and as we all should know — our province has a lot of potentials, we just need to develop these and one way is by putting across these potentials in a lovely form.
We have the best products, we just need better marketing strategies. In the same way that we have a beautiful province, we just need better promotion. And one more important thing we all should know: we are ALL part of the needed ‘marketing’, not just the local government, not just the business sector, but everyone of us. We can do something.
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