Playing with Fire
By Gonzalo Duque
WE understand Dagupan City has a new City Auditor in the person of Mr. Virgilio Quinto.
He has replaced a Benjie Lim partisan.
So this should be for the good of the city—meaning the city folk, not the city administration.
We’re told Mr. Quinto won’t tolerate any hanky panky and will apply the full force of the law on any irregularities here. Marakep sirin. Bravo!
We are now seeing the start of an honest-to-goodness auditing process in the city government’s transactions. They will be scrutinized to the grimmest detail as Mr. Quinto is expected to assure Dagupan taxpayers that their taxes won’t go to waste.
May we suggest that he swoops down on millions of “fiesta” funds that have remained mysteriously spent or kept in some greedy pockets. Let’s hope and pray that Mr. Quinto will give life and meaning to Pnoy’s Daang Matuwid in the city.
We also have a new police chief in the person of Supt. Chris Abrahano of Sta. Barbara town. He used to be with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). Very good.
Talagan seryosoy P’noy ed mantra to, awa, Manny… tungo sa Daang Matuwid.
We were told the new police chief will move heaven and earth to keep the forthcoming elections clean, honest and peaceful.
May we suggest that he takes a look at some shadowy figures who always follow the rounds of mayoral bet Belen Fernandez especially in the evening.
Taga Pangasinan kayo met, i-Pangasinan ti la: singob yo pa ra tay tumbo-tumbok ed convoy o luluganan nen Vice Mayor Belen Fernandez ompiano makabanwit kayon tampol na aray magugulo. Thank God, these terroristic acts will now stop… we hope, we hope, eh, Col. Abrahano?
* * * *
Looking at the documents of the MCAdore fiasco, we thought that Mayor Lim, who’s obsessed with selling it (for a song) at P119-million, could really have succeeded in making the sale!
But, due to wrong advice or probably bad karma, they were in haste, padalos dalos, leaving so many holes that needed to be plugged.
Our forecast: it will follow the fate of the Malasiqui debacle.
Our sixth sense tells us that the purported buyer (Cabangon Chua group?) will be left with an empty bag.
Worse, the BSL group—whether in the government or in the Magic group—now stands accused of insulting RTC Judge Emma Torio. They did not only insult a woman, but a respectable judge!
Better believe William Shakespeare when he penned the immortal lines, “Hell knows no fury than a woman scorned.” Tsk, tsk…
Our dear friend, you never learn. Do you have bad advisers? Or you did not after all listen to their advice because you were only thinking of you own thinking?
And please advise your son, Brian, who insults the public’s intelligence whenever he is caught on TV trying to defend the indefensible, bulong dia esases ditan… ay, makapabaing, agagui.
Amta yo, very elementary yay impakatapba ra, agagui. Kulang iray common sense.
Starting with the first Sanggunian resolution authorizing the mayor to “initiate” the sale of MCAdore, palpak la! Ginawa da ni nen walad biec taew si Vice Mayor Belen! Agaylay inkasilib da awa?
And here came the 2nd resolution seeking to ratify and confirm the first resolution, adding the phrase “to complete the sale.”
How can you ratify a resolution that’s void ab initio in the first place? If you can’t ratify a void resolution, how can you complete a sale?
Agay layan katangahan, agagui!
Sicato tay bunga na padalos dalos ya kagagawa!
We could already see Ryan’s lawyers doing a walk in the park to handle this.
By the way, there’s a persona we wouldn’t want to miss in the BSL mess—city Administrator Vlad Mata whom we consider a lapdog, chiwawa, police dog, German shepherd, Doberman, askal, rolled into one.
When the preliminary injunction was issued, Vlad, using an argument I usually term as “argumentum ag simpaticum.” (nagpapa-cute or nagpapa-pogi) threatened that if the sale won’t push thru, City Hall can’t build a lying-in clinic, new schools, etc…
Friend, no good things can proceed from an illegal or void act.
As we said, if an act is void ab initio, it produces nothing. Angapo. Wala. Degem!
Tama na muna ang pagpapa-pogi. Aww aww aww!!
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