Think about it

By July 16, 2012Archives, Opinion

Guv’s choice of Verzosa a masterstroke

By Jun Velasco

Expect the best from people you lead,” – Alan Loy McGinnis

NOT a few were surprised when Governor Spines named a close Agbayani ally as the new provincial police director of the province.

The public was almost of one mind that the Guvnor going to handpick anyone except Colonel Sonny Verzosa, whose brother Titus is married to his political nemesis, Victor Agbayani’s sister.

But the governor, a fan of Alfred Hitchcock, did the unordinary and kept the public in dire suspense. What’s the governor up to?

We aren’t surprised though.  What most do not probably know — which Spines has spilled in a glaring manner — is that inside his tough, steely mien is a warm heart (pusong mamon) which puts high premium on friendship and those things akin to  may pinagsamahan.

Don’t forget that the duo, Guv Spines and Col. Sonny, had worked together in police work and wrapped up a powerful, successful teamwork.

In this regard, the governor would want to show that he treasures friendship based on mutual trust that has existed beyond any suspicion.

Of course, off hand, because Pangasinan politics is what it is – a highly politicized animal– it is to the Governor’s disadvantage if he takes lightly his Machiavellian training never to ignore the ancient lessons of Sun Tzu that in the power game, trust should take the backseat. 

Of course, Spines has factored that one after careful calculations about having Sonny back in his stable.

In the same breath, for the family’s part, Sonny’s ascent to the police organization right in his beloved province is his crowning glory, or one, to quote Shakespeare, something devoutly to be wished. Which means, it will affect family deeply if the Liberal Party chooses Victor to run against Espino, with Sonny already enjoying the governor’s blessings.

Now, the ball is Sonny and the Agbayanis’ court.

Back factor this one in the realm of party politics.  While the political play upstairs can’t be viewed simply as a party matter because of the coalition phenomenon, it may be safe to presume that the major political parties are bent in adopting a policy to have the least interference in the fielding of local candidates, to ensure victory for their national candidates, the senators.

All these developments point to a smooth-sailing partnership between Guv Spines and Col. Sonny, a sine qua non to better governance in the province, which lists peace and order its highest if not gravest priority concern.

It’s a truism that a great powerful team is one anchored on correct leadership chemistry, which Espino and Verzosa richly have, their love team having been tested over time.

They say, it’s lovelier the second time around, but we think they have not parted at all although not staying under one roof for a time.

Which by the way should work for the province of great expectations.

*       *       *        *

We heard the Benjie Lim forces in the Sanggunian – now reportedly a whopping majority — have figuratively dethroned Belen Fernandez right in her corral.

This is the second assault on the SP czarina after the special session that zeroed in on the Mc Adore- for- sale resolution. 

So what else is new?

The fighting is now out in the open.

Seems Belen gets flat footed each time she turns her head, and the political blitzes are staged whenever she is in Manila.

She should come home and in fighting form.

You see, politics is such an unpredictable dog, and like what we said earlier, it can’t be based on trust; even family members end up bitter enemies in its name.

Anyone who talks of loyalty in politics sounds like an amateur or living in another world. 

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