Playing with Fire

By September 5, 2011Archives, Opinion

An ‘ocean cruise’ in Dagupan!

By Gonzalo Duque

FOR many days now, Dagupenos are submerged in tears.

Hmm, don’t say we are sounding like a sad poet. But all of you who got stranded by floodwaters in the city will agree with us that it’s been a heluva existence, no thanks to Typhoon Mina and the monsoon rains.

As the poet once cried “water, water everywhere, not any drop to drink.”

For hours, Dr. Macky Samson, an engineer, and this writer were prisoners of Pedritos Thursday, wondering what has gone wrong in our beloved city, which has become vulnerable to floods. Isang patak lang ng ulan, baha na; singa ti met la Espana ed Sampaloc, Manila, awa, JunV?

However you look at it, these flash floods show official neglect by our city officials.

Manggugoy ulo to si Macky, alyas Dr. MacArthur Samson, ta say Mac Arthur Highway adelap!

Many think the newly constructed diversion road and other newly constructed infra projects failed to factor in their implications on flooding.

Look, maraming nagpapa-impress; gawa laran gaway drainage; angapo met so provision for the flood problem!

Panon to met, mama ey, ta, agapoy labasay danum; nitan kila, dig kilan dig, wala namang water exit!

Wherever you go in the city, you’d run smack into new rivers and lakes. Because the city is now a huge water basin, we wish to suggest to Mayor Benjie Lim to include Tapuac, Lucao, Malued, Mayombo, Caranglaan, Mangin, Tebeng etcetera in his River Cruise, nay, Ocean Cruise, ta ni agaylay kaawang na adelap ed ciudad!

Alowan baloto la so luganan tayo, bapor!

We earnestly suggest our city officials led by Mayor Lim and Vice Mayor Belen Fernandez and also the De Venecias, former Speaker Joe and Congresswoman Gina sit and tackle this flooding issue.

Our schools are also on long forced vacation because aside from the floods nearby, students from Sta. Barbara and similar places couldn’t come to the city due to the floods.

We used to say that our city officials couldn’t see the daang matuwid because what they see is daang madulas… papaano ang hihilig sa padulas!  If you don’t get our point, ask Manny Roy and Macky.

*   *   *

Aha, we just bumped into our friends in Bonuan who were seen covering their noses because of the unsightly and smelly refuse and trash in plastic bags hanging in front of their houses! Whoever thought of this idea to display their refuse in front of their houses is stupid, has no culture, barbaric. Makapabaing, ambanget, makapaotah!  Banom para Kapitan Rico!

Speaking of garbage, we remember what Mayor Benjie Lim bragged to this writer during his previous term. He told us, proudly, parang sigsigurado: “I’ will resign if I can’t put up a sanitary land fill.”

O, anto natan ey, mayor, amay adesyang ya San Jacinto sanitary landfill ey?  The city budgeted Pl6 million for that! It was okayed “cuartesy by your onor-onor clowncilors!”

That San Jacinto project was a complete failure from the very start. Why? Because the people out there were never consulted.  Had you done what Mayor Hagedorn did when he came up with a successful landfill project in Palawan, where consultations were made, it should have been successful.     

Mahilig kasi yay mayor tayod shortcut, basta may nekosyo hay, paktaylo!

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