
By July 25, 2011Archives, Opinion

“Pinoy, have mercy”

By +Oscar V. Cruz JCD

IN the context of sincerity and with the spirit of urgency, this can be readily considered as an ardent prayer said with bowed head and on bended knees even. It is a fervent supplication based on objective truth and ground reality about a disturbing and distressing national phenomenon. It is a loud plea addressed to someone in the highest governing office in the country, repeatedly professing its unquestionable integrity and loudly declaring its consuming crusade against corruption.

Thus it is that this some kind of a litany is directed to someone supposedly in tenure of all the authority and wherefore empowered to act accordingly—if he wants to. He has in command of the entire PNP plus the intelligence of the whole NBI in addition to the extensive authority of the Department of Justice.

In substance and in simplicity, this humble and humbling supplication can be thus expressed in few words: MR. PRESIDENT: PLEASE VANISH GAMBLING FROM THE LAND! They come under deceptive titles and legal niceties. But they are all forms of downright gambling reeking in blatant corruption and human decadence. It would take a big circus to say otherwise, i.e., that gambling is in accord with the rules of ethics and/ or the norms of morals. Wherefore:

“Upon the public officials and private citizens falling prey to the addiction generated by PAGCOR casinos all over the land, thus ruining their offices and professions, and destroying their families, PNOY HAVE MERCY!

“Upon the simple Filipinos being taught by PCSO to depend on luck, cultivate indolence in place of industry and thrift, and the few of them who upon winning become the targets of hoodlums and criminals, PNOY, HAVE MERCY!

“Upon the already poor yet still exploited by JUETENG LORDS who are experts in giving big and regular payolas to local officials and police authorities to make these deaf, dumb and blind, PNOY HAVE MERCY!”

Only fools would deny that gambling breeds corruption. Otherwise, how come the previous management of PAGCOR is accused of this and that offense? Otherwise, how come both the previous and present managements of PCSO are undergoing long Senate inquiry “in aid of legislation”? Otherwise, how come well known and duly named GAMBLING LORDS of infamous jueteng remain free and happy?

Would the SONA even but say a word about gambling in the country? Is the Malacañang occupant truly vested with integrity? Is the present administration truly against corruption?

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