
By July 19, 2010Archives, Opinion

Responsible Parenthood

By +Oscar V. Cruz JCD

“The marriage covenant… is ordered for the well-being of the spouses, and for the procreation and education of children…” (CANON 1055 par. 1 CIC). Thus provides the Law of the Church, because thus too stands the teaching of the Church, whereas thus finally rests the mandate of nature. And there too is the essence and import of Responsible Parenthood.

In other words, the law only expresses what the Church teaches. And the teaching of the Church in turn comes from the imperative of Natural Law, i.e., what is seen in nature. Wherefore: Even irrational animals such as a male and a female dog meet, have one another and thereby also have puppies. These are fed and nurtured, taught how to stand and urged to run by the coupled dogs. And only when these puppies are grown up enough, do their parents have other puppies. This is the substantive meaning and implications of Responsible Parenthood – admirably observed even by irrational animals.

It is worth noting well that the above quoted canonical provision says a cardinal truth with three inherently intertwined substantive realities about marriage: One, that marriage is for the welfare of the spouses. Two, that marriage is for the procreation of children born of the conjugal union. Such is the essential reality and intrinsic finality of marriage – not unless men and women do not get married, or got married but could not have children for one reason or another, with their well-being however safeguarded and promoted. Thus, once more, stand the substance and consequences of Responsible Parenthood.

“Procreation and education of children”: It is not merely the procreation of children – and nothing else. That would be irresponsible parenthood. It is both the procreation and education of children – this is, once more, Responsible Parenthood. In other words, no married couple has the right to just procreate and procreate and procreate – without the capacity to have their children not simply fed but also accordingly educated. This is the manifestation of irresponsible parenthood.

And education is not only knowing how to read and write – but also knowing what is right or wrong. It is neither only knowing how to add or subtract – – but furthermore knowing and observing the right value system. That is why education is not merely going to school but also learning at home – considering that the tripod of the home, the Church and school, constitutes the three pillars of the honest to goodness education of Children. Is that too profound to know? Is that too hard to understand?

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