Playing with Fire

By December 30, 2009Archives, Opinion

Be humble

Gonz Duque

By Gonzalo Duque

WHAT does Christmas mean to all of us?

Offhand, it should mean “joy,” fiestas, celebration, love, peace, contentment, food, and lots of it, mostly whatever is pleasurable.

We are debating with any of the things you have learned to associate Christmas such as those aforementioned. But let us rethink our positions. In all of its connotations such as what we cited above, Christmas should mean glorifying the Lord.

It’s the mass for the Lord who begot a son who came to earth in human flesh and lived like us. Why? Because God wanted to know exactly how He could lift us from sin, because it is given, we are all sinners.

Christ, the son, was exposed to all kinds of temptations, but He hurdled all of them.  He, Jesus, always lived according to the Father’s wishes.

He was a true son. How many of our children, the sons, especially are living like how Jesus lived, as a son to the Father? Karamihan sa atin, suwail  na mga anak. It’s about time they know their roles and mandates as children.

We, too, should not forget that the reason God gets alienated from us is that we do not know how to behave as children of our parents. It is the first lesson in humility. We  must  behave like His children. That’s why we are asked to be childlike, so that the Father will treat us as His children.

On Christmas, we should be like children. Humble. Even in leadership lessons, we are taught to be humble. He who is last will be the first. Take it from us. If you are humble, you will experience joy, peace, love and complete joy. If you are proud, your life will be wanting. You will be sad.

Be humble and experience the greatest joy in life.

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Last week, the names of Emma Torio and Emma Molina were interchanged. Very sorry.

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Merry Christmas to one and all!

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