Think about it
Joey de Venecia III eyeing senate
By Jun Velasco
WORLD boxing got a black eye because of the ugly way ring idol Oscar dela Hoya ended his career.
True or false, the hearsay that it was a fixed fight between him and our own Pambansang Kamao Manny Pacquiao has given the sport a bad image.
Of course, we — the whole nation— roared in ecstasy when our man stood triumphant like the biblical David over a fallen Goliath. But the aftershocks have spawned ugly stories that it was pre-arranged.
Manny always invoked the name of God who, he said, has made him the winner. That’s admirably very Christian of him. But does God listen to prayers that involve harming others?
What we are saying is that the Pacquiao-dela Hoya circus has taken from the sport some luster for some time. What do you think, Al and Jess?
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On the Pambansang Kamao, our friend LJG – Leony J. Galvez – from San Francisco, USA, texted us to say that the prestigious Sports Illustrated gave the ring idol a 3-page story in its December 15, 2008 issue. Here’s Nards: “Would you believe that Bill Dwyre, sports editor of the Los Angeles Times, predicted the upset? The 3-page story is a testament to Pinoy’s courage against all odds.”
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Youthful businessman Joey de Venecia III showed us a copy of the latest best seller, “Global Filipino: the Authorized Biography of Jose de Venecia, 5 Time Speaker of the Philippines” by Brett Decker.
We were dying to devour the book, but Joey correctly predicted we might not return it. He said the former speaker would be in town on December 15 for his book launch in Manila and would surely give us a copy.
Listening to the young De Venecia gave us a refresher course on the father’s youthful days. Probably the little difference is that Joey is not keen on following the footsteps of erpat as a future member of congress, as his eyes are on the senate.
The House is reserved for Ms. Gina de Venecia, he said.
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The worsening economic crisis can so easily be seen from the number of houses displaying Christmas lanterns. A lantern vendor told us many of his clients preferred to re-use the old ones which were neatly kept in plastic bags.
It’s in this light that we felicitate the Weekly Times, the new kid on the block like other being Boy Agsalud’s City Tribune in Urdaneta City, for adopting livelihood and entrepreneurship as its editorial thrust. We need creative ideas that would help our economically distressed countrymen.
For this reason we find incoming Pangasinan Press and Radio Club president Allan Sison’s project to put up a media village and clubhouse commendable. We hope the idea, which has become a ho-hum material, will be realized this time. Allan has entrepreneurial acumen by which he should make his prospect come close to reality.
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