
By January 29, 2008Archives, Opinion


By +Oscar V. Cruz

It is not a secret that according to the spirit of the times and in line with the changing mood of the people in the country, there are words and terms that become the season’s flavor of the mouth. This is exactly the case of the supposedly fearful and disturbing phenomenon called “destabilization” that is periodically invoked by the present administration—as a matter of course. Interestingly, the Malacañang allies regularly claim that such possible government tragedy is the conclusive finding of the intelligence agency.

Whenever the word is mentioned, and in whatever way the term is said, the following more noticeable events immediately take place: The AFP and the PNP are all placed in “red alert”. Hundreds if not thousands of men in various official uniforms are fast deployed here and there. As usual, the customary check and choke points at the main roads leading to the “Imperial Manila” are fast assembled. And Malacañang is infallibly and suddenly converted into a veritable fortress akin to a ghost town.

There are however certain very interesting factors about the repeated shouts of “Destabilization!” by this ruling and nervous administration: One, the cries are made and heard on occasions apparently according to a pre-establish Malacañang calendar. Two, as the bawls are suddenly made at will, suddenly as well the claims that all is well, are made with magical flare. Three, yet the administration is precisely caught flatfooted when there was some actual destabilizing moves in a hotel here and there.

One cannot but be reminded of the boy who cried “Wolf!” when there was really none. He repeatedly did it that when the wolf actually came, his cries were simply ignored by those who heard him. And the wolf was said to have won the day. The elementary moral of the story is let not this ruling administration get accustomed to the regular shouts of “Destabilization!” according to its own schedule, pleasure and convenience—when there is really none. Otherwise, it might pay dearly when an honest to goodness destabilizing move come to fore. Malacañang might not even know what really hit it and gave it a fatal blow.

Question: What invite serious destabilization, popular rebellion, strong revolution and the like. Answer: A government that lies, cheats and steals as a matter of course. An administration that is much discredited, distrusted and hated even. A governance that is morally bankrupt and thus altogether devoid of moral ascendancy and command. In other words, it is the standing lesson of history that the eventual fall and dispatch of an incumbent government, a ruling administration, a national leader are their own making. It can be said that they make the bomb, ignite it and eventually blow themselves up.

It is a known fact that Filipinos are by and large kind and patient, accommodating and forgiving. Their needs are little. Their demands are few. But when seriously abused and continuously fooled, when much belittled and oppressed, they know when and how to strike back. The Spaniards came to know this. The Japanese experienced the same. EDSA 1 and ESDA 2 were its concrete and impressive expressions.

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