
By August 5, 2007Archives, Opinion


By +Oscar V. Cruz D. D.

In general, strength is an asset—a potential for doing well, a capacity for doing good. This is true for physical, intellectual or emotional strength. The same is true for economic and/or political strength. It is especially true of moral strength which is the cause of upright and firm resolve to overcome the call of the flesh, the enticement of wealth, the greed for power—among many other attributions.

During the last SONA, the one who presented the present and future state of the nation gave the parting words that a President was as strong as this could want it. The statement was received with cheers. There was a standing ovation even. Needless to say, it was a claim to political strength, the expressed manifestation of which is the often said “political will”—understood as the desire, resolve and ability to do what is right, true and just. Its opposite is precisely the “lack of political will”.

Looking at the over-all situation of the Philippines starting from 2001 when there was a regime change by popular moral strength, the Country has been since then in manifest in bad shape. This is not only true on account of misery with the hunger and sickness it brings as natural companions. Much less is this true on account of natural disasters brought about by either too much or too little rains that bring either big floods and destruction or small energy and food production respectively.

Continuously gross violation of human rights to the extent of extrajudicial killings and disappearances. Consistent election frauds and politically motivated murders. On-going drug dealing, gambling galore, exploitation of women and minors. Increasing criminality such as in terms of kidnapping, robbery and swindling. More gang rapes, summary executions and mutilations. As a choice topping to all the above social maladies, there is the culture of graft and corruption in government that repeatedly receive a place of dishonor in Asia.

Where is the alleged limitless strength of the national leadership? How can it be strong when there is so much social maladies all over the land? Where is the “political will”? And most important of all, where is the moral strength of the Chief-Executive? The stark truth is that the Malacañang occupant is anything but strong in the right way. This is precisely why the latter has continuously and consistently received a negative approval rating. Need more be said?

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