
By June 7, 2007Archives, Opinion

Jueteng and election

By +Oscar V. Cruz D. D.

As expected, the National Elections were closely accompanied by the jueteng racket—practically nationwide. As predicted, the administration and its allies together with uniformed agencies saw nothing, heard nothing, said nothing—and did nothing. And as foreseen, the Krusadang Bayang Laban sa Jueteng was no match to the power and might, money and force of the government agencies concerned, the professional jueteng lords plus the many big jueteng beneficiaries.

The crusade retreated but only to continue the fight the days ahead. It failed temporarily in its considered option but has not abandoned its mission. Now it is preparing a new strategy and putting together novel projects. It is now resolved to be not only more efficient but also effective. It has a renewed life and resolve.

The crusade is happy to take note of a new development in the country. There are now a good number of key opposition candidates who have been elected and who are certifiably against jueteng. A number of them are not exactly receptive of even the so called “Legal Gambling”. Needless to say, this is very good news not only for the Krusadang Bayang Laban sa Jueteng but also for the Krusadang Bayang Laban sa Sugal.

It is both shameful and strange that the national leadership has repeated advertisements during the election time frame. It is already well seated in office and much fortified in its tenure of power. Yet it saw the need of still having long and loud advertisements singing is dubious praises. What is worse is that its public ads are funded unashamedly admittedly by PAGCOR and Casino Pilipino.

While millions are suffering from hunger and thousands are dying of sickness, the Malacañang occupant has the guts to bleed the government its gambling corporations to build its image—not to fund charitable works as the government gambling directors repeatedly sing as their professed commitment.

This is not to say the least that the PAGCOR, Casino Pilipino plus the PCSO with its gambling arms, merit canonization for helping the poor and the sick here and there, every now and then, no matter how these gambling entities attempt to deodorize their deleterious agenda. What elementary ethics say remains true, viz…, the end does not justify the means. Both legal and illegal gambling forms are vicious in objective and odious in effect. To still prove this fact is an exercise in futility.


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