Playing with Fire
A JDV legacy
By Gonzalo Duque
GOVERNMENT and education policy makers have long thought about this, but they did not have enough guts and determination to push it to its logical conclusion – or implementation.
That the root cause of the nation’s problems may not be after all, (rejoice, politicians!)–but due to our dirty politics. It may be, and I tend to concur partly, because of our poor educational system
Hep, don’t jump to conclusion yet. Let me lay down the premise. In the United States, South Korea and other developed and fast developing countries, basic education obtained from the elementary to high school years takes l2 years to complete.
How is that in our hapless Philippines?
We only have l0 years to complete the basic education curriculum.
It’s true that we are a labor exporting country, but we need to show that we are capable of producing quality graduates. The approach in the US is that 8 years is required to complete the grade or elementary requirements, and 4 years for high school. However, in the 3rd and 4th year, the students are engaged in skills development or vocational education for the benefit of those who have no interest or aptitude for academics or college education.
We all know that there is always a price for success. Education, undoubtedly, is sine qua non to a bright future. Let us not compromise the future of our children by taking their education cavalierly.
We must pursue the matter with all zealousness and concern.
With that frame of mind, Speaker Joe de Venecia comes to my mind because he is in the best position to make this idea a bright reality. Congress can pass a law mandating a l2-year basic education in our country, and believe you me, we might yet succeed in turning this country around.
I solemnly submit that an educated public – one that is steeped in the humanities – and a solid theoretical foundation can’t be fooled or duped by scheming persons. Or at the very least, they’d have the tools and ability to battle the forces of ignorance and superstition that block the full development of man.
Kuya Joe, the ball is in your court. In my view, this is easier to do than changing the constitution. Sisikat pa kayo for plumbing the depth of the nation’s deep-seated problems and coming up with the solution.
Simplistic? Nope, take a closer look, and pray that Gonzalo has (again) hit a gold mine.
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There they go again, these political surveys announcing this and that candidate as in the top winning column if the elections were held today.
The trouble with these surveys – or sorbetes – is that per expert view, they are “commissioned,” and you know what that means. I simply do not believe the surveys. I don’t know why the Comelec allows it. It’s nothing but unauthorized trending.
Did you know that Mar Roxas was at the bottom of the pre-election surveys? Did you know what happened? Mar Roxas topped the senate elections.
Okay, let’s not go far. Then senatorial bet Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in the surveys was no. 4, but she topped the elections and even became president of the Philippines.
And just look at the results now, it’s Kiko Pangilinan, who was eased out by Erap Estrada’s opposition, is emerging topnotcher in the surveys. Where’s common sense there?
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CAMPAIGN TRAIL. In the campaign trail, the vegetable planters in Baguio City in one Lakas sortie prayed for Butch Pichay because of their perception that he will lift them from their predicament.
Manny Roy suggests he will have his name changed to Money Roy for obvious reasons……Is this true? Former PNP chief Art Lomibao has been conducting media and text brigades announcing that he is a candidate for congressman. Even his closest confidants and confidantes are telling me that he is seriously running. Ok, sana agka napatapba, ha, Art?….
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What happened to the law disallowing the changing of one’s political party one year before or after the elections? I believe Speaker Joe has filed a bill authorizing political parties to support financially its candidates? What’s the lowdown on this? Let’s hope these are cleared fully so that we can have an electoral system beyond reproach.
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