
By January 14, 2007Archives, Opinion

Reformist, Nationalist, Populist

By +Oscar V. Cruz D. D.

There are marked indications that the 2004 midterm elections are key to the future of this country. Since the texture of the present administration there is an on-going long litany of big socio-moral reversals and scandals with their consequent ugly and shameless politico-economic consequences.

Deep discontent among the people with their repeated public expressions of resentment and dissent, loud clamors for economics relief’s and better social services, pitiful cries for enough food and needed medicine — all these are but some of the indicators of the intense pains and profound fears of people all over land.

It can be said that the forthcoming elections — in the event that these were held at all — can make or break this nation. The some past six years can be said as one long big bad dream. The infamous triad of lying, cheating and stealing continues to stand out. The wanton raiding of the national resources through graft and corruption has become a matter of course. The extrajudicial killings, political murders and criminal assassinations have become part of the day-to-day life in the country.

The incumbent national leadership is already a much damaged figure. It has lost credibility. It has earned un popularity. It has become devious and wherefore odious. It has transformed itself as definite and defined liability for the nation. Now few voices have been raised that it has to go. Many organizations, movements and multi-sectoral groups have been formed with one and the same cry: away with the present administration!

All indications say that the country can ill-afford the continuation of the present administration and its allied subservient majority. The May 2007 elections wherefore can be the blessing of the curse of this country, can give or cancel its hopeful future — which is all that the silent majority is still trying to hold on to.

If the electorate would want to have some kind of a general guide in the choice of the candidates who need and deserve their precious votes, the following may serve the purpose. “Wanted: reformist, nationalist, populist public officials.”

Otherwise, this country will continue to have the usual “trapos” who are experts in keeping the repugnant status quo in the national political community now infamous for self-worship and pursuant self-service.

Reform the rotting political system. Enact nationalist legislations. Have populist politicians. This is the call of the times.


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