Short story and photo by Art G. Valenzuela
THERE IS BEAUTY in the simplistic looks of these tourist destinations as they await “full awakening” from two years of doldrums in the industry.
Some have opened up while others are just starting to welcome back the visitors. There really is a need to loosen up a bit as the country is almost there — at attaining herd immunity that should bring us back to doing the thing we all love to do — travel with loved ones. These photos of favorite tourist destinations in the Ilocos and Batangas – sans the presence of tourists — also mirror a fact of life, that at times it could get stationary and tentative as what happened in the past two years. But when “it rains, it really pours,” hopefully it would. Once Boracay is officially declared open, the others would follow and open up, too. “I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places, that this heart of mine embraces, all day through…” And so the old song goes.
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