Corruption is everywhere
25 Mar 2008
Ed Pontaoe
The comments that I made was in the PAST tense. Yes, we could have gone on welfare but as stated in my last post, my mother taught us pride in ourselves. We relied on hard work and God’s help to persevere. You probably grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth so you most likely don’t know the meaning of hard work.
As far as SSI, many people think it is their right to receive their monthly SSI check even though they have not paid one cent of taxes in the U.S. I am not talking only of foreigners who avail themselves of this form of welfare but also the many born in the U.S. who believe that the government, i.e. the taxpayers, should support them. If believing that a person should carry his own load if they are able to, is conservatism, then I am proud to be a conservative.
What annoys me are Filipinos who see nothing but the negative about the Philippines. Yes, there is corruption in the Philippine Government but there is corruption in Washington DC also.
Take for example Democrat Congressman William Jefferson who was caught accepting $90,000 in a bribery sting. What happened to the honorable Rep. Jefferson?
Because his political party controls the congress, Mr. Jefferson was punished by giving him an important seat in a committee. It is well known that he politics in the city of Chicago hasn’t changed much since Al Capone ran the city only now it is the Daly machine.
Another person I know is afraid of being kidnapped. What is ironic is this person works in Oakland California, one of the most crime ridden cities in the U.S.
What all I’m trying to say is look for the good things because you can find the bad everywhere.
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