Why the insults?

By December 21, 2007Punch Forum

John Bolinas
21 Dec 2007



I am also wondering why this forum is being used to throw insults, vilify and defame others. If one’s view is faulty, there’s no point of calling a person corrupt, uneducated or even throw more muck. A writer or speaker is entitled to his own opinion. If you don’t agree so be it, but be fair and civilized at your comment because your words and acts may reflect a semblance of your persona.

Try to put yourself in a situation and call someone your neighbor corrupt. Do you think your neighbor will not react? Well and good if you are thousands of miles apart, otherwise you are putting yourself in big big trouble.

One need not show to have a superior intellect, sort of machismo to antagonize and even quote unverified facts which may or somehow proved you wrong. Better be humble in yourself and in your thoughts for your harsh words will eventually give you hordes of enemies and possibly a date in court for libel or defamation.

We are living in a perilous world. All of us may want to live and walk freely without thinking that someone will stab our back. If we can exercise a bit of self restraint in expressing our ideas, this intellectual exchange will be good for everyone. Let the readers be our judge.

This forum put up by Sunday Punch gives us the opportunity to interact and debate on all issues, may it be the current issues of our country or anything that affects our existence as a Filipino.

John Bolinas

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