Educate, not collect fees

By October 26, 2007Punch Forum

Ronaldo Castanaga
26 Oct 2007



Is the office of the City Agriculturist Emma Molina the right venue to collect fees for fishpen operators in Dagupan? Isn’t it the City Treasurer’s office?

For the Bonuan Bangus Industry to prosper and able to compete in the world market, the Phil Fisheries Commission (Do we have one?) should conduct demonstration seminars on hybrid bangus culture.

Taiwan and Thailand is much advanced and are in control of the bangus market in the USA, the Middle East and Canada. We’re not even third. They culture bangus (Bonuan hybrid stolen from us) not in fishponds, estuaries or coastal bays but in floating cages in public water or open bays.

Taiwan and Thailand have perfected their fishfeeds, control of biological fouling (fishkill), water oxygenation and fishwaste removal. Bangus in cage culture grow faster at high densities, lower cost, easy treatment of parasites and diseases.

Ideal place for cage culture is the Alaminos Hundred Islands and the town of Anda. Is our Fisheries Commission has something to offer to uplift the plight of our struggling Bonuan bangus industry? Getting paid for nothing?

Please do something to educate our bangus producers not collecting exorbitant fees. Conduct research: is the water quality of Hundred Islands or the town of Anda conducive to bangus culture?

Killing the goose that lays the golden egg is not the solution.

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