No basis for comparison

By August 10, 2007Punch Forum

Rafael L. Oriel, Jr.
9 Aug 2007



Mr. Carrera, after reading your latest post, you just made me laugh especially because I saw this t-shirt that says “Those who have no dreams claw at those who do!” That’s true. It has been said that those who have abandoned their dreams will discourage yours.

Your posts make me wonder, what’s your problem with people who have dreams? You keep on mentioning Crocus Fund in your previous posts but I doubt if you really know what you are talking about.

How on earth do you know where and how other people invest their money? Just by reading your posts, I am quite sure you really do not know what Crocus Fund is all about. I am sorry to say that every time you mention Crocus Fund, you are just displaying your ignorance about it.

You make lots of assumption and imagination in your posts which reminds me of the slang connotation of the word “assume”. You should use your imagination and creativity somewhere else because in reality, you are the one who is evaluating the professional qualifications of Palafox Associates.

Why not read your previous posts again? You sound like you are the one questioning and have some doubts about their qualifications and capabilities even though their firm is a well respected urban planner and the only Philippine firm who was able to break into the top 100 of world architecture, the 94th according to the latest report.

I guess, you even think that your recommendations for the city of Alaminos are far better than their recommendations.

Anyway, I really do not need to argue with you. I have no intention of competing with your expertise and knowledge. Besides, I do not want to waste so much of my time.

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