Reaction to Jun Velasco’s column

By June 27, 2015Punch Forum

Noel Erfe Verzosa

Las Vegas, NV

In your column of June 15, you wrote glowingly of Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr you stopped short of endorsing him. It seems to me that there is a nascent movement, here in the States as well as in the Philippines, to launch the candidacy of Prince Ferdinand for the presidency.

Let me remind those who are paving the way for Prince Ferdinand to reclaim Camelot: he was not an innocent babe when Queen Imelda was looting the treasury, treating the Central Bank as her own personal ATM. He was already a young man who knew what was going on. To claim otherwise is an insult to the intelligence of every Filipino. Granted he was only five when the imperial presidency began in 1965, he was a grown man of twenty-nine when it ended in 1986. If he was not complicit in the systematic looting of the public coffers, he must have known about it. At some point, he must have wondered where all the money to finance such a lavish lifestyle was coming from. He and his siblings were living off that ill-gotten wealth.

What is so incomprehensible about the current political tableau in the Philippines is the fact that Binay, Marcos Jr., and Duterte are atop the popularity polls. Jejomar and family have so much unexplained wealth, they could only have stolen most of it. Prince Ferdinand is the son of the profligate Imelda who made a science out of stealing from the treasury. Digo’s “shoot first, aim later” brand of law enforcement should scare the bejesus out any thinking Filipino and conventional wisdom says he has more than a fifty-fifty chance.

Raul Roco must be turning in his grave, saying “Ang bayan kung sawi.”

Thank you.

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