
By March 10, 2014Archives, Opinion

Gender Identity Question

OV Cruz

By +Oscar V. Cruz, JCD


IN its more simple or plain understanding, the phrase “Gender Identity Question” means a young boy or a man having amorous feelings towards another young boy or man, a young girl or woman having amorous feelings towards another young girl or woman. And this is rightfully considered a question and even a problem of one kind or another. First, it is a question that is the concern and/or the worry of more and more individuals, their parents and elders included. Second, it is a problem that has social as well as ethical dimensions. Third, it is wherefore a phenomenon that has the attention and concern of “modern” society, of updated psychiatry and of the multi-century old Church.


It is a pity that society through a good number of people seems to belittle, to laugh at if not in fact to discriminate against those with a gender identity question. It is not only improper but also saddening that the individuals thus concerned have to suffer for what they did not plan to be, what they did not choose to become. Worse, up to this time, there are still people who call them “homosexuals” with pejorative implications.


Updated psychiatry – without in anyway judging what is good or bad about it – simply explains the tendency or behavior of those having the gender identity question such as the following: Having a cross-sex preference. Inclined to cross-sex dressing. Enjoying cross-sex roles. The ultimate result of all these ambivalence is persistent discomfort about one’s own sex, which is not easy to disregard, much less to pretend on its non-existence.


SSA – “Same Sex Attraction” – this is now how the Church addresses the question. Among updated Church groups addressing the question or problem, the following are the more relevant truths to consider: All – and this means all – boys and girls, men and women are created to the image of God and wherefore have the same human dignity and sublimity. All are children of God just as all are redeemed by the Blood of Christ. No one really chooses much less wants to have and feel a sexual identity problem. While one’s sexual identity may be in question, the inmate dignity of every single human person is the same. Everybody is the subject-object of the Commandment of Love, including those with the question on his or her sexual identity. In other words, no one – with or without a sexual identity predicament – is outside the love of God, excluded from the concern of the Church.

By the way, it is more and more commonly held that the predicament of sexual identity is said to start at home, depending on how a father treats his son, how the mother treats her daughter. And with more and more dysfunctional families, there are also more and more individuals suffering from sexual identity.

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