Here and There

By June 4, 2007Archives, Opinion

San Carlos City’s dev’t project still on track

By Gerry Garcia

THE making of laws is a complicated and no-nonsense matter, yet in this free-wheeling democratic republic of ours, even celebrities from the sports and entertainment world who have not gone through high school always manage to become representatives or senators in the august halls of Congress.

Today when a college degree is needed for one to become a PNP member or a professional licensure exam to be a doctor of medicine or a nurse, should not   there be also qualifying standards for would-be candidates for Congress?

No wonder we have today in Congress aging vets from Pinoy filmdom who do nothing but warm their seats and even younger ones  who have not left acting but are only moonlighting in the house of congress or in the senate. Their aim is to serve the pocket more than the public.

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The COMELEC (Commission on Elections), despite its dominant role in the electoral process, is not free of negative speculations or accusations of being part of the electoral cheating scheme.

Being a constitutional agency, the body should be independent of, not obliged to, the departments that appointed its commissioners and members.

This system of appointment is an aberration that could be cause for the commissioners to pull levers in accordance with the wishes of their appointers.

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Appointment of commisssioners on elections should be lodged on bodies deemed to be insulated from politics, like the judiciary and Bar Council.  The JBC was created to recommend appointees to the judiciary so as to make it more independent and less politically tainted. The presidential power to appoint members of the judiciary is thereby limited to the list drawn up by the JBC. Cause of the appointed members’ being beholders to the President is thereby averted.

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The joint mayoral administration of San Carlos City is now led by two brothers — Mayor Ayoy Resuello and Vice Mayor Josere Resuello, sons of assassinated Mayor Jolly Resuello. A close-knit family dynasty, you’d say, because both pledged to carry on with their late dad’s mission to further develop San Carlos into a metro or mega city.

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