Young Roots

By September 30, 2013Archives, Opinion

It’s about R-E-S-P-E-C-T 


By Johanne Margarette R. Macob 


I REMEMBER almost a year ago, I wrote about plagiarism here. I started it out with:

“When I entered college, the very tenets instilled to us were that of ‘Honor and Excellence’. Honor first before excellence, for without the former, the latter is worthless; as a word without an action or an action sans emotion. 
I remember then that the very first note given to us was about plagiarism, stressing that the university condemns any form of it. We should honor our work as well as others’ work. Otherwise, we will suffer from two things: a failing grade and a failing reputation.”

It broke my heart knowing a fellow “Iskolar ng Bayan” has circumvented that very ethical rule, for more than once.

Last year, Senator Vicente Sotto III struggled over this issue. Yet, I’m not really sure if he was penalized or what.

During my thesis-related-subject days in college, many retook courses due to the same concern. That punishment even at their first stab at cheating. The idea is clear, University of the Philippines doesn’t tolerate plagiarism, and I believe that will prevail, UP will sooner than later lay a good judgment. 
Now, with this fellow who has stolen other people’s photographs, I actually pity him more than being mad at him . I pity him that after at least a four-year stay in UP and he’s even taking an MA at the same institution, he never truly learned what the university is upholding. I know he has the capabilities of taking good pictures as well, but he — more than anyone else — did not believe in himself. He lost the respect he has for others; worse, the respect he had for himself. Nonetheless, I hope he finds goodness in his present situation as he learns his lessons.

I wrapped up my article a year ago with this: “It is good to be excellent but what matters is having honor while excelling. It all boils down to respect, both self-respect and respect to others. I hope (everyone is) taking note of what Fyodor Dostoyevsky once said ,’Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love’.” 
Again and again, choice is what we always have. Live right, live fair. Give credit where credit is due.

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